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Doyletics -- Background on the Origin of the Name

by Bobby Matherne ©2000 21st Century Education, Inc.

"Only gods are born miraculously full-grown from trees, mountains or the head of Zeus. Every science possesses its own phylogeny and ontogeny, just as it possesses its own postulates and its own conclusions." C. A. Meier in the Foreword to The Psychology of C. G. Jung, Volume 1.

I write this on-line material with the modest goal of having doyletics taught in the grammar schools of the 21st Century. If it had been taught this way in the 1930's Doyle Henderson's life would have been dramatically different. He would not have felt so different from all the other boys who fearlessly climbed trees - Doyle could only do so in spite of the heavily pounding heart and fear states that almost overwhelmed him at times. But if it had not been for those fear states Doyle would have never discovered that the very thing that made him so different from other boys was a deep sameness that existed in all of them: the storage of physical body states before the age of five years old.

This is an absolute fact and by absolute I mean the in sense of being invariant to the observer, a definition I owe to Andrew J. Galambos (1). Doyle Henderson's discovery is a cosmological discovery on a par with Galileo's discovery of gravity because, just as gravity is present in the swamps of Louisiana or the mountaintops of the Himalayas, so are physical body states stored in every human being and have been since the beginning of historical times. Was gravity present in Aristotle's time? Surely it was, no one would disagree. But if so, why did he not notice its existence? Because Aristotle understood that a stone's nature was to fall to the Earth and, thus, heavier stones would naturally fall faster than lighter stones. This was an understood invariant, but not one that observers ever bothered to question, up until Galileo walked to the top of the Tower in Pisa and dropped a heavy stone and a light stone. All who observed him then, or have replicated his experiment since, have confirmed that the heavy stone and the light stone fall at the same rate. That is an absolute fact for the very reason that it is invariant across trained observers performing the experiment all over the world.

If you drop a stone and a feather, however, the stone will fall faster. An untrained observer might attempt such an experiment and claim that Galileo's conclusions are wrong and Aristotle has been right all along. Were a physics professor to place the stone and the feather in a vacuum, however, both would fall at the same rate. This is an experiment is commonly performed in Physics Department of universities during Science Days across the country.

Since the majority of people today are no better trained at performing experiments today than the people of Aristotle's time, it remains possible to make claims today that are false, like Aristotle's claim about the heavy and light stones falling at different rates, in other words, contrary to an absolute fact.

Such claims are made about emotions in various ways:

"Everybody feels the same things in the same circumstances."

"There is a basic set of emotions that everyone develops."

"Everyone knows love, joy, happiness, sadness, only some people show it more than others."

"If you want to change the way you feel about something, you must first change the way you think about it."

All these claims sound fine and no normal person would dispute any of those claims. The last one, in fact, lays the groundwork for what's called "Reality Therapy" - so certainly no Reality Therapist or Cognitive Therapist, as they like to be called today, would dispute that claim. And yet all these are contrary to an absolute fact, as you will learn, as you become a trained observer of physical body states during the course of studying this Doyletics Foundation Website.

This fact has existed under the radar of all observers since the beginning of recorded history for the same reason that Galileo's understanding of gravity also evaded all observers of falling stones up until Galileo's time: they thought different size stones fell at different speeds and didn’t know how to notice that all stones fell at the same speed until someone showed them how to notice it.

For emotions, this someone is Doyle Philip Henderson. He gave the world of observers a method of understanding their own physical body states that didn't exist before. He taught people who were plagued by extremely unpleasant and unwanted emotions how to systematically remove them so that they would never return. And they could do this without ever having to think about it - when the same stimuli that triggered the unwanted emotion occurred again, they experienced no reaction as they did formerly. Often they felt light or carefree and didn't know why until later when they realized upon reflection that they had just lived through an episode that formerly would have caused them painful emotional reactions, and yet nothing happened. In other words, they no longer reacted automatically as they did previously every time, and, as a result, they were able to deal maturely with a situation that previously they had reacted to poorly because of their involvement with the heavy emotional states.

As more observers heard of Galileo's find and proceeded to replicate it themselves, soon the false claim of Aristotle fell away and a new absolute truth took its place: gravity. While contemplating the nature of gravity one day at Woolsthorpe, England, Isaac Newton wondered why the moon did not just fly off into space. Then suddenly an apple fell next to him from the apple tree overhead. Isaac thought, "Hmm, is it possible that the Moon is falling to Earth at the same speed as the apple?" That single apple can be considered as the greatest windfall in the history of humankind because it led Newton to formulate his three laws of motion. And that led to beginning of our understanding of the physical universe to a depth never before anticipated. And Galileo's simple observation and experiment made it possible. But for Galileo, the apple's fall would have had no effect on Newton, because the Moon, being so much bigger than the apple, would have to be falling so much faster, and therefore the Moon couldn't be falling at all. But the Moon is falling towards Earth at exactly the speed of the apple and moving forward so fast that it misses the Earth and orbits it instead.

How is it possible that the Moon falls as fast as the apple and no one noticed it before Newton? How is it possible that everyone has a unique set of physical body states that are stored from conception till age five and no one noticed it before Henderson? The answers to both questions are that our perceptions are shaped by our conceptions, and until someone like Newton or Henderson formulates a new way of conceiving the operation of the world, we continue in our old, familiar ways of perception.

For discovering this absolute fact of human experience, I have named these "physical body states" doyles after their discoverer, Doyle P. Henderson. The science of doyletics is the study of the acquisition and transmission of doyles. This website will describe the discovery of doyles, the practical applications of the science of doyletics, and the hope for the future of humankind through the teaching of doyletics in the grade schools in the 21st Century.

1. Dr. Galambos defines the term absolute in his book Sic Itur Ad Astra, Published by TUSPCO, San Diego, CA in 1999.

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