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The Red Wagon Story Followup Explanation

This was Written as Followup to an Email to Bobby Matherne from an Italian User of PANACEA! in 1998 with an addendum in 2000.

The comments of Italo [not his real name] are in italics.Please Read The Red Wagon Story before you Read this Followup.

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Tue, 04 Aug 1998 Followup to Red Wagon Story

Italo wrote:
Dear Bobby,
> thank you for your replies. I am pondering them.

Dear Italo,

I have a grandson Gabriel Peter Bayhi, who will be visiting me today, and will probably play with the Red Wagon I have for him. He has just had his 5th birthday and the chance exists for him to place a few more, last minute doyles in his personal, interior Red Wagon. I hope the metaphor of the Red Wagon has been useful for you.

> Please if you can reply to the other three unanswered questions:

I'll do my best. Let me say that having an 'unanswered question' is a valuable experience, as they reside in your unconscious where all answers come from eventually. To accept easy answers too quickly prevents a real answer, specifically for you, from coming from within you. My answers will be hints at where to look, what to continue to ponder on, not complete answers. The job of creating answers is a personal one, and cannot be delegated to another person with the danger of accepting a partial answer that does not satisfy and at the same time closing off all internal inquiry.

> 1. To trace easily and successfully an emotion, should this be abnormal rather than weak?

It is not possible to trace an emotion, in my opinion, because emotions are not stored in the Red Wagon, only doyles. One can only trace and erase physical body states. Look in your Red Wagon and you will not find grief, elation, sadness, or joy, but only such things as a frowning face: tension in the brow and jaw, e.g.[grief] or deep exaggerated breathing with relaxed facial muscles [elation] or slow, labored breathing, head facing downward, and facial tension [sadness] and so on. For everything you call an emotion for YOU, there is a particular configuration of muscle tensions, movement of body limbs and homeostasis or speed settings of internal organs -- this is the only thing that can be put into your Red Wagon, Italo.

One must avoid confusing the name we give configurations of muscle tensions, etc, and the muscle tensions themselves. The name is the emotion, the muscle tension is the doyle, and only doyles go in the Red Wagon.
An emotion, a complicated one such as grief can pull many doyles from the Red Wagon. Doyle Henderson knows this very well, having lost his dearly beloved wife in the past year. One does not trace and erase grief, but only the components doyles of grief. Each time a trace is done, grief is still there, but it is easier to deal with because some component doyle has been removed from the minestrone soup that is grief for the normal person. You remove the cabbage and the minestrone tastes different, but it's still minestrone. You continue to remove things until the soup is acceptable and then you leave it alone, you can deal with what is left of the grief.

So think of the contents of the Red Wagon like the ingredients of a soup, if you will. One cannot trace the soup, because the soup doesn't exist in the pot, only the soup's ingredients. This soup [grief] had its ingredients added over a lifetime, and every time you experience or think of a grief episode the entire complex of ingredients are called into play. But you can only trace and erase the components of the soup, so you start with the strongest doyle and trace it. Next time you pick the next strongest and soon what's left as grief is acceptable, so you don't think to trace it.

I've done this with hunger doyles. I no longer get hunger pangs or pains when my stomach is empty. I merely note my stomach is empty and proceed to eat. I did multiple traces, each one slightly different, and if another comes up I trace it and it goes. I suspect grief is similar in its complex nature to hunger pains -- lots of doyles that are triggered, requiring multiple traces for relief.

In summary, I don't distinguish "abnormal" or "weak" when I do a trace -- if it's a doyle I don't like for whatever reason, I trace it. I do find it difficult to trace transitory doyles -- these are physical body states that last for portions of a second. But by continually re-triggering these fleeting doyles, even they can be traced.

So I don't consider any doyles "abnormal" -- abnormal is what the scientist inventorying the kid's Red Wagon might describe some content. You, as the kid with the Red Wagon, will merely say, "I like these bottle caps, but I don't like these dead frogs, so I'd like to throw the dead frogs away." That's when you do a trace, when you find something like the "dead frogs" that you don't want to look at again in your Red Wagon. And like the kid, you throw them away. He does it by taking the dead frogs from the Red Wagon and throwing them back on the ground. You do it by a Speed Trace, in which you figuratively throw it on the ground by converting the doylic memory in the amygdala [which can re-create a physical body state in you] to conceptual memory in the neocortex, which only re-create the memory of the frogs being thrown onto the ground, thus, no more unwanted reactions automatically from the amygdala and the unwanted component of the emotion is gone forever. Not the emotion, notice, only the unwanted component.

I have been careful to delineate the difference between the emotion and its components because of the confusion that not making the distinction creates in some people. For some, they just trace the emotion and it's gone -- they have no trouble and no confusion. For others, the confusion is rampant and they absolutely must make this distinction to proceed with any success at all. Soon everyone will know how to make the distinction because it will be taught to them in grammar schools, until then we must learn to make the distinction as adults, the hard way.

> 2. Would an advanced age of a person, say from 45 on, be an obstacle in the tracing process success?

I'm 58. My wife Del is 53. We have no problem whatsoever doing the traces. Even people who say they can't remember anything from childhood can do them successfully. People who say they have a bad memory, will respond immediately to events that happened to them at 2 years old and automatically and every time, re-create exactly the same set of physical body states they had as a two-year old. All you need to do is spend a little time thinking about where you grew up, the house you lived in from 0-5 years old. Get help from pictures or older relatives who remember the house[s].

Use the table where you ate as a guide for age. Say: At five I came up the top of the table and if I stood on my tiptoes I could see what was on the table. At 4 I could barely see the top. At 3 I could only see the table legs. [what did they look like?] and 2 I could barely see the top of the chair. At one I was holding onto the table leg to walk. Now use the results of your research into this table[s] to help you with your speed trace. I do. I'm five and I can see the top of table. I'm four and if I stand on tiptoes I can barely see the top of the table. I'm three and I'm looking at the table leg. I'm 2 and I see the top of the chair. I'm 1 and I'm holding onto the table leg. I'm 9 months and I'm crawling under the table. etc. By spending the 15 seconds of the speed trace this way at the below 5 time marks, you will pull yourself through the below five time marks and suddenly find that the doyle you were holding has gone.

Do it this way, and it will work for you as well. You must do a little research of your own life first, but the info's available somewhere, or you can make it up. A made up table will also work.

> 3. What if an emotion is just an inheritance of a parent? How can I trace it back?

Ah, yes, inheritance! Thanks for giving me an opportunity to explain that process using the Red Wagon. The inheritance works this way: the small boy is walking around town picking up items to put in his Red Wagon, but this time his mother is walking along with him. A large black dog comes up to him. The boy smiles and reaches to pet the black dog and his mother shrieks in horror! The boy freezes up, his heart starts racing, his breathing changes, and all these doyles are put into his Red Wagon for later recall whenever a big dog comes over to him. That's inheritance! That's how doyles are transmitted from parents and other caregivers to children under six.

So it's just another item in your Red Wagon. Trace it like the others.

> I add one more
> 4. Could an emotion be so strong to the point that in the tracing process one cannot relive it because unconsciously the same emotion is removed at the same time? A kind of struggle between the tracing process and the removing activity, especially when a person does not receive any help during the Panacea! process?

This is confusing to me. I'm not sure what you're asking and have to guess. But you seem to have confused the emotion and the tracing process.

Resources for Dog Owners

Lifetime Allergic Reaction to Dogs:

It is not necessary to re-live the childhood memories underlying emotions to trace them. That's true for any doyle that is a component of an emotion, feeling, etc. It's only in recent years with the advent of the speed trace that we've found this to be true. From the perspective of the year 2000 as I write this addendum I can tell you that I've found it is not necessary to pause for any time period or use any memory crutches to hit the time marks successfully during the trace. All one needs to do is say, "I'm X old, and I'm experiencing this doyle." where X is a time mark in the form of years old, months old, or days old. Only two requirements are necessary for a successful trace: 1) the doyle remains present until one goes below five, 2) you say the time marks in some descending sequence. As a 60 year old, I use: 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 9mos, 6mos, 3mos, 1mon, 1 Day, -1 Day, -1mon, -2mos, -3mos, -4mos, -5mos, -6mos as my time marks. I stop as soon as all signs of the doyle I'm tracing disappears. This can be done in under 60 seconds so that even short lived doyles can be traced. And traced even in social situations by simply looking the other way for a minute.

The only "re-living" necessary is the one that happens inside your brain unconsciously when you go, say, from 3 to 2 years-old and your brain takes note of the original event from the doyle fed to it by your limbic-brain stem system and feeds a cognitive memory to the neocortex. If you then ask the Plausibility Question, your brain will give you a cognitive memory of the original event, which is easy to do because it has just created one for you and it knows exactly what you're asking for.

Remember this MOST IMPORTANT function of the Plausibility Question or PQ:

No need to wait 2 or 3 weeks to find out if the doyle returns. You know immediately that a speed trace has worked because a speed trace transforms a doylic bodily memory into a COGNITIVE memory, and getting plausible explanation for the original event demonstrates immediately that you have done just that: COGNIZED a DOYLE!

As for receiving help in the tracing process, most people need help at first to identify what is susceptible to a doyle trace. For example, my sister-in-law had a "dog allergy" -- she didn't think it was susceptible to a trace. I suggested one and she did it in under 60 seconds simply following the simple instructions I listed above. When she went from 5 to 4, she said, "Wooo! What was that?" She felt this enormous rush in her chest's midline. Suddenly she could breathe freely again. The trace was over! Her difficulty breathing was gone, and within five minutes the puffiness around her eyes had abated. When I asked her the Plausibility Question, she recalled that a large Labrador retriever, a big black dog, had eaten her kittens when she was four, and she cried a long, long time. I asked her what kind of dog was it that her boss had brought to the office the day before that triggered her "dog allergy" and she said, "Omigod! It was a Labrador retriever!" Over the 35 years since that childhood incident she had thought she had a "dog allergy" and all her doctors agreed and prescribed drugs for her. What she really had was a doylic event stored that consisted of puffy eyes, difficulty breathing, and these were triggered by the presence of a big, black dog, a Labrador retriever. So she had a "dog allergy" that was specific to Labrador retrievers, and had actually had other types of dogs as pets in her past.

That's why I say that when an allergy is very specific, like a dog allergy only for one kind of dog, a food allergy only for iceberg lettuce, etc, that chances are the allergies are doylic-based. If I were foolhardy, I might claim that ALL ALLERGIES ARE DOYLIC IN ORIGIN, but until hard research work is done in this area, I think it advisable to merely state the facts. In this one case, a woman had a lifelong allergic reaction to dogs that was doylic in origin. One raindrop does not a rainstorm make.

Go do your tracing using the information I gave you above -- it really is information in its deepest sense: in- forming. It is a way of understanding doyles and emotions that you must form in yourself before you begin a trace. Once you have a clear distinction of an emotion and its component doyles, this question should become unnecessary.

To summarize:

*Emotions* are names we give to a possibly complex set of items in our Red Wagon. They pop up in response to stimuli in our external and internal world. By thinking thoughts in our internal world we usually trigger a set of these items in our Red Wagon. Emotions cannot be traced as they exist ONLY at the level of language: a name for a set of things that CAN be traced.

*Doyles* are the items in the Red Wagon. Doyles can be traced. They are physical body states or sequences of physical body states, muscle tensions and homeostatic settings of body organs [heart, lungs, spleen, adrenaline glands, etc]. We can trigger doyles via our imagination. They can hold onto us for long periods of time and doing a trace while a doyle is holding onto you will cause it to disappear at some age below five or so.

> > Thank you. Regards. Italo.

You're very welcome Italo. Stay in touch.

Note: shortly after this correspondance, I lost touch with my friend in Rome. If he reads this and recognizes himself, please contact me by email.

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